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corporate-level strategy of Victory Motorcycles

corporate-level strategy of Victory Motorcycles

Q Read the "Victory Motorcycles Case in the blue pages of the textbook. Please respond to the following: 1. From the e-Activity and the case study, evaluate the corporate-level strategy of Victory Motorcycles to determine whether you believe the strategy is appropriate to offset forces in the industry. Provide specific examples to support your response. Be sure to use terminology from Chapter 6 readings. Do not research or offer corporate level strategies outside of the textbook for this course. Do not forget to give us the why. 2. Make recommendations for improving this strategy as well as describing any challenges you foresee in executing those recommendations. Provide specific examples to support your response. Do not forget to give us the why.

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1. From the case study and the e-Activity, it has been a clear fact that the business level strategy of the Victory Motorcycles is perfect. The enhancement system of Victory Motorcycles has been celebrated across the world only because of the business level process. The business of the organization can be differentiated as there are several items like watercrafts, snowmobiles and bikes. The diversification strategy of this company is also associated with the business sector that has been ranged from the United States to Australia, Russia, Brazil, and China.